Christian Aid is an organisation run by Christians, true enough, BUT it exists to relieve poverty among the most disadvantaged in areas of the world; it helps people of ALL faiths and NONE.
Although it gives short term immediate disaster relief, as when earthquakes strike etc, Christian Aid also enables those in need to help themselves longterm. Christian Aid works alongside "partners" who live in the area of need and know exactly the kind of help which will be the most effective.
Help is not funnelled through governments but given directly to the area of need so you can be sure that any monies donated are well used.
Can anyone help out?
Of course! Everyone is welcome at any of our events and we'd love to see you there.
As for the Cheltenham Christian Aid committee, well we're a team of volunteers from all walks of life and from different churches across town. We meet several times a year to both organise fund raising events and raise awareness of Christian Aid and what it does.
click on the above logo to link to the
national Christian Aid web site &
donate directly
join us at our next fund raising event
- follow the link to find out more...
Cheltenham Christian Aid
Christian Aid